The Amazing Kenny making his first Balloon Chronical about new figures.
We'll share a "simple" Reindeer:
He is almost like an advanced dog, but instead of floppy ears, his antlers can be used to create cartoon eyes. He is perfectly fine without the nose and hooves but if you have the time, it goes a long way towards a more artisitic figure.
Duckbilled Platypus: "Because I can"
I refer to this as "gods curse on balloon artists" it has the bill of a duck, webbed feet, a flat tail and the males have poisonous ankle spines. The hardest part of this figure is to use one balloon as both bill (ear-twist, eartwist, loop, shape) and hind legs (loop,loop). You nead to know, or learn, how to break a balloon and retie. The eyes and pupils can be left off.
Challenge Yourself, Make something BIG!
I had a balloon trainee that said he wanted to use his newly learned "weave" skill to make a larger project. I said "sure" we have a pack of 250 balloon and three hours to kill. Lets make a castle.
We decided that evening, that amount of balloons and work is worth at least a dollar per balloon. Here is a $250 castle: